For users

The following figure presents a flowchart with the main step processes for computing QSRs via the library. Raw data first needs to be converted into the common input data format of QSRlib, which represents a timeseries of the states of the perceived objects, such Cartesian position and rotation, size of the object in each dimension, and allows other custom information about the objects to be kept on a per QSR-need basis. Utility functions are provided that allow easy conversion of the raw data to this standard input data structure. This input data structure, the names of the requested QSRs to be computed and other options that control their behaviours are used to create a request message to the QSRlib server, which upon computation returns a response message that includes the computed QSRs as an output data structure similar to the input one, i.e. a timeseries of the QSRs between the objects, as well as other information.

Flowchart showing the main step processes for computing QSRs via the library.

The following minimal working example explains how to conduct these steps and use the library to compute QSRs from your data.

Minimal Working Example

Compute QSRs with the MWE script in strands_qsr_lib/qsr_lib/scripts/:

./ <qsr_name>


./ rcc8

MWE source code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function, division
from qsrlib.qsrlib import QSRlib, QSRlib_Request_Message
from qsrlib_io.world_trace import Object_State, World_Trace
import argparse

def pretty_print_world_qsr_trace(which_qsr, qsrlib_response_message):
    print(which_qsr, "request was made at ", str(qsrlib_response_message.timestamp_request_made)
          + " and received at " + str(qsrlib_response_message.timestamp_request_received)
          + " and computed at " + str(qsrlib_response_message.timestamp_qsrs_computed))
    print("Response is:")
    for t in qsrlib_response_message.qsrs.get_sorted_timestamps():
        foo = str(t) + ": "
        for k, v in zip(qsrlib_response_message.qsrs.trace[t].qsrs.keys(),
            foo += str(k) + ":" + str(v.qsr) + "; "

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # ****************************************************************************************************
    # create a QSRlib object if there isn't one already
    qsrlib = QSRlib()

    # ****************************************************************************************************
    # parse command line arguments
    options = sorted(qsrlib.qsrs_registry.keys())
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("qsr", help="choose qsr: %s" % options, type=str)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    if args.qsr in options:
        which_qsr = args.qsr
        raise ValueError("qsr not found, keywords: %s" % options)

    # ****************************************************************************************************
    # make some input data
    world = World_Trace()
    o1 = [Object_State(name="o1", timestamp=0, x=1., y=1., width=5., length=8.),
          Object_State(name="o1", timestamp=1, x=1., y=2., width=5., length=8.),
          Object_State(name="o1", timestamp=2, x=1., y=3., width=5., length=8.)]

    o2 = [Object_State(name="o2", timestamp=0, x=11., y=1., width=5., length=8.),
          Object_State(name="o2", timestamp=1, x=11., y=2., width=5., length=8.),
          Object_State(name="o2", timestamp=2, x=11., y=3., width=5., length=8.)]

    # ****************************************************************************************************
    # make a QSRlib request message
    qsrlib_request_message = QSRlib_Request_Message(which_qsr=which_qsr, input_data=world)
    # request your QSRs
    qsrlib_response_message = qsrlib.request_qsrs(request_message=qsrlib_request_message)

    # ****************************************************************************************************
    # print out your QSRs
    pretty_print_world_qsr_trace(which_qsr, qsrlib_response_message)

Line-by-line explanation

Basically the above code consists of the following simple steps:

  • Create a QSRlib object
  • Convert your data in to QSRlib standard input format
  • Make a request to QSRlib
  • Parse the QSRlib response

With the first three being the necessary ones and the parsing step provided as an example to give you insight on the QSRlib response data structure.

Create a QSRlib object

qsrlib = QSRlib()


This step can be omitted if you want to use QSRlib with ROS.

Convert your data in to QSRlib standard input format

Below is one way of creating your input data. You can find more details on how to convert your data in QSRlib input format in the Section about the I/O data structures.

world = World_Trace()
o1 = [Object_State(name="o1", timestamp=0, x=1., y=1., width=5., length=8.),
      Object_State(name="o1", timestamp=1, x=1., y=2., width=5., length=8.),
      Object_State(name="o1", timestamp=2, x=1., y=3., width=5., length=8.)]

o2 = [Object_State(name="o2", timestamp=0, x=11., y=1., width=5., length=8.),
      Object_State(name="o2", timestamp=1, x=11., y=2., width=5., length=8.),
      Object_State(name="o2", timestamp=2, x=11., y=3., width=5., length=8.)]

Make a request to QSRlib

# make a QSRlib request message
qsrlib_request_message = QSRlib_Request_Message(which_qsr=which_qsr, input_data=world)
# request your QSRs
qsrlib_response_message = qsrlib.request_qsrs(request_message=qsrlib_request_message)

If you want to use ROS then you need to firstly run the QSRlib ROS server as follows:

rosrun qsr_lib

and the request is slightly different:

    import rospy
    from qsrlib_ros.qsrlib_ros_client import QSRlib_ROS_Client
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError("ROS not found")
    import cPickle as pickle
    import pickle
client_node = rospy.init_node("qsr_lib_ros_client_example")
cln = QSRlib_ROS_Client()
qsrlib_request_message = QSRlib_Request_Message(which_qsr=which_qsr, input_data=world)
req = cln.make_ros_request_message(qsrlib_request_message)
res = cln.request_qsrs(req)
qsrlib_response_message = pickle.loads(

Parse the QSRlib response

def pretty_print_world_qsr_trace(which_qsr, qsrlib_response_message):
    print(which_qsr, "request was made at ", str(qsrlib_response_message.timestamp_request_made)
          + " and received at " + str(qsrlib_response_message.timestamp_request_received)
          + " and computed at " + str(qsrlib_response_message.timestamp_qsrs_computed))
    print("Response is:")
    for t in qsrlib_response_message.qsrs.get_sorted_timestamps():
        foo = str(t) + ": "
        for k, v in zip(qsrlib_response_message.qsrs.trace[t].qsrs.keys(),
            foo += str(k) + ":" + str(v.qsr) + "; "

Advanced Topics

I/O data structures

Input: World_Trace

QSRlib acccepts input in its own standard format, which is a World_Trace object.

World_Trace provides a number of convenience methods to convert your data into this format. One additional handy method, further to the one presented earlier in the MWE section, is add_object_track_from_list, which allows to add an object’s positions stored in a list of tuples.

The main member of World_Trace is trace, which is a python dictionary with keys being timestamps and values being objects of the class World_State. In a World_State object the main member is objects, which is again a dictionary with keys being the unique name of the object and values objects of the class Object_State. An Object_State object holds the information about an object in the world at that particular timestamp.

So for example to get the x-coordinate of an object called o1 at timestamp 4 from a World_Trace object called world we would write:



World_Trace should not be confused with the QSRlib request message.

Output: World_QSR_Trace

The standard output data structure is an object of type World_QSR_Trace.

The main member of World_QSR_Trace is trace, which is a dictionary with keys being the timestamps of the QSRs and usually matching those of World_Trace (depends on QSR type, request parameters, missing values, etc.), and values being objects of the class World_QSR_State. In a World_QSR_State object the main member is qsrs, which is a dictionary where the keys are unique combinations of the objects for which the QSR is, and values being objects of the class QSR. The QSR object holds, among other information, the QSR value.

For example, for readinging the RCC8 relation at timestamp 4 between objects 'o1,o2' of a world_qsr object we would do:


A number of convenience slicing functions exist in the class.


World_QSR_Trace should not be confused with the QSRlib response message.

Request/Response messages

Request message

Once we have our input data in the standard QSRlib input format, i.e. as a World_Trace object, the next step is to create a request message that is passed as argument in the QSRlib request call (as also explained in the MWE example).

The request message is an object of the class QSRlib_Request_Message. The compulsory arguments are input_data which is your World_Trace object that you created before and the which_qsr which is your requested QSR. If you want only one QSR to be computed it is a string, otherwise if you want to compute multiple QSRs in one call pass their names as a list. The optional argument req_made_at can be safely ignored. The second optional argument dynamic_args is in brief a dictionary with your call and QSR specific parameters.

Response message

The response message of QSRlib is an object of the class QSRlib_Response_Message. The main field of it is the qsrs one that holds your computed QSRs as a World_QSR_Trace object. The remaining ones are simply timestamps of the process and can be safely ignored.


Requesting QSRs for specific objects only

Each QSR has a default behavior for which objects to compute QSRs for. Typically, this is for all valid combinations of the objects in the World_Trace. One way to compute QSRs for specific objects is to use the slicing utilities and subsample the World_Trace. Still, this might not have the desired effect as most QSRs will also create relations for mirror pairs as well, e.g. the RCC relations computed for two objects o1 and o2 will be for both o1,o2 as well as o2,o1.

For these reasons QSRlib allows the user to specify valid objects that are passed in the request in the dynamic_args field. It is easier to explain the usage with the examples shown below.

For all cases assument that we have a World_Trace of three objects o1, o2 and o3, and we want to compute two dyadic QSRs CARDIR and RCC8, and one monadic MOS.

By default the dyadic QSRs will be computed for o1,o2; o1,o3; o2,o3; o3,o1; and o3,o2; and mos relations will be computed for o1;o2; and o3.

Example 1: Suppose we want to compute QSR relations for o1,o2 for the dyadic QSRs and for o1 and o2 for MOS. All we need to do is define a dynamic_args as follows (and then pass it to our request).

dynamic_args = {'for_all_qsrs': {'qsrs_for': [('o1', 'o2'), 'o1', 'o2']}}

Example 2: Now, suppose that we want to compute CARDIR relations for o1,o2 and o2,o3, RCC8 relations for o1,o3 and MOS relations for o1 only. This is possible by defining the following dynamic_args:

dynamic_args = {'cardir': {'qsrs_for': [('o1', 'o2'), ('o2', 'o3')]},
                'rcc8': {'qsrs_for': [('o1', 'o3')]},
                'mos': {'qsrs_for': ['o1']}}


We can mix the global namespace ‘for_all_qsrs’ with the QSR specific namespace, but note that parameters in the QSR namespace always take precedence over the global one.

QSR specific parameters

Further to the qsrs_for option of dynamic args which is common for all QSRs, some of the QSRs allow some form of customization during the request call via their namespace in dynamic_args. What options are available depends on each QSR and is the options are given and described in their own API pages.

An example is shown below using MOS, which can take a parameter called ‘quantisation_factor’ that determines the minimum distance of an object between two frames in order to be considered that it has moved.

dynamic_args = {'mos': {'quantisation_factor': 1.0}}

Of course we can still mix QSR specific parameters with common ones. So we wanted to compute MOS relations with the above quantisation factor for only object o1 when there are more we could do:

dynamic_args = {'mos': {'quantisation_factor': 1.0,
                        'qsrs_for': ['o1']}}

Graph representation

QSRlib provides also functionalities to represent time-series QSRs as a graph structure, called Qualitative Spatio-Temporal Activity Graphs (QSTAG). For details, please refer to its documentation.

ROS calls

The example of a ROS call in the MWE provides a good summary of the usage. For further details have a look in the API of the ROS QSRlib client.