qsrlib_io.world_qsr_trace module

class qsrlib_io.world_qsr_trace.QSR(timestamp, between, qsr, qsr_type='')[source]

Bases: object

Data class structure that is holding the QSR and other related information.

between = None

str: For which object(s) is the QSR for. Multiple objects are comma separated, e.g. “o1,o2”.

qsr = None

dict: QSR value(s). It is a dictionary where the keys are the unique names of each QSR and the values are the QSR values as strings.

timestamp = None

float: Timestamp of the QSR, which usually matches the corresponding key t in World_QSR_Trace.trace[t].

type = None

str: Name of the QSR. For multiple QSRs it is usually a sorted comma separated string.

class qsrlib_io.world_qsr_trace.World_QSR_State(timestamp, qsrs=None)[source]

Bases: object

Data class structure that is holding various information about the QSR world at a particular time.


Add/Overwrite a QSR object to the state.

Parameters:qsr (QSR) – QSR to be added in the world QSR state.
qsrs = None

dict: Holds the QSRs that exist in this world QSR state, i.e. a dict of objects of type QSR with the keys being the object(s) names that these QSR are for.

timestamp = None

float: Timestamp of the state, which matches the corresponding key t in World_QSR_Trace.trace[t].

class qsrlib_io.world_qsr_trace.World_QSR_Trace(qsr_type, trace=None)[source]

Bases: object

Data class structure that is holding a time series of the world QSR states.

add_qsr(qsr, timestamp)[source]

Add/Overwrite a QSR at timestamp.

  • qsr (QSR) – QSR object to be added.
  • timestamp (float) – Timestamp of the QSR.

Add/Overwrite a world QSR state.

Parameters:world_qsr_state (World_QSR_State) – World QSR state to be added.
get_at_timestamp_range(start=None, stop=None, istep=1, copy_by_reference=False, include_finish=True)[source]

Return a subsample between start and stop timestamps.

  • start (int or float) – Sstart timestamp.
  • stop (int or float) – Finish timestamp. If empty then stop is set to the last timestamp.
  • istep (int) – subsample based on istep measured in timestamps list index
  • copy_by_reference (bool) – Return a copy or by reference.
  • include_finish (bool) – Whether to include or not the world state at the stop timestamp.

Subsample between start and stop.

Return type:


get_for_objects(objects_names, copy_by_reference=False)[source]

Return a subsample for requested objects.

  • objects_names (list or tuple of str) – Requested objects names.
  • copy_by_reference (bool) – Return a copy or by reference.

Subsample for the requested objects.

Return type:



Return a subsample for requested QSRs only.

Parameters:qsrs_list (list of str) – List of requested QSRs.
Returns:Subsample for the requested QSRs.
Return type:World_QSR_Trace

Get the last world QSR state.

Parameters:copy_by_reference (bool) – Return a copy or by reference.
Returns:Last world QSR state in self.trace.
Return type:World_QSR_State

Return a sorted list of the timestamps.

Returns:Sorted list of the timestamps.
Return type:list of floats

Put an empty World_QSR_State object at timestamp.

Parameters:timestamp (float) – Timestamp of where to add an empty World_QSR_State
qsr_type = None

str: Name of the QSR. For multiple QSRs it is usually a sorted comma separated string.

trace = None

dict: Time series of world QSR states, i.e. a dict of objects of type World_QSR_State with the keys being the timestamps.