Source code for qsrlib_ros.qsrlib_ros_client

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function, division
    import cPickle as pickle
    import pickle
import rospy
from qsr_lib.srv import *

[docs]class QSRlib_ROS_Client(object): """ROS client of QSRlib.""" def __init__(self, service_node_name="qsr_lib"): """Constructor. :param service_node_name: Node name of the service. :type service_node_name: str """ self.service_topic_names = {"request": service_node_name+"/request"} """dict: Topic names of the services.""" rospy.logdebug("Waiting for service '" + self.service_topic_names["request"] + "' to come up") rospy.wait_for_service(self.service_topic_names["request"]) rospy.logdebug("done")
[docs] def request_qsrs(self, req): """Request to compute QSRs. :param req: Request message. :type req: qsr_lib.srv.RequestQSRsRequest :return: ROS service response. :rtype: qsr_lib.srv.RequestQSRsResponse """ rospy.logdebug("Requesting QSRs...") try: proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.service_topic_names["request"], RequestQSRs) res = proxy(req) return res except rospy.ServiceException, e: rospy.logwarn("Service call failed: %s"%e)
[docs] def make_ros_request_message(self, qsrlib_request_message): """Make a QSRlib ROS service request message from standard QSRlib request message. :param qsrlib_request_message: The standard QSRlib request message. :type qsrlib_request_message: :class:`QSRlib_Request_Message <qsrlib.qsrlib.QSRlib_Request_Message>` :return: The ROS service request message. :rtype: qsr_lib.srv.RequestQSRsRequest """ req = RequestQSRsRequest() req.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() = pickle.dumps(qsrlib_request_message) return req