Source code for qsrlib_qsrs.qsr_qtc_simplified_abstractclass

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from abc import abstractmethod, ABCMeta
from qsrlib_qsrs.qsr_dyadic_abstractclass import QSR_Dyadic_Abstractclass
from qsrlib_io.world_qsr_trace import *
from exceptions import Exception, AttributeError
import numpy as np

# todo /use/bin/env python not needed here.

[docs]class QTCException(Exception): """?""" pass
[docs]class QSR_QTC_Simplified_Abstractclass(QSR_Dyadic_Abstractclass): """QTCS abstract class. """ """ print "where,\n" \ "it is always necessary to have two agents in every timestep:\n"\ "x, y: the xy-coords of the agents\n" \ "quantisation_factor: the minimum distance the agents must diverge from the double cross between two timesteps to be counted as movement. Must be in the same unit as the x,y coordinates.\n"\ "validate: True|False validates the QTC sequence to not have illegal transitions. This inserts necessary transitional steps and messes with the timesteps." """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta __global_unique_id = "qtcs" """?""" __no_state__ = 9. """?""" _unique_id = "" """str: Unique identifier name of the QSR.""" _all_possible_relations = () """tuple: All possible relations of the QSR.""" _dtype = "points" """str: QTC specific type.""" def __init__(self): """Constructor.""" super(QSR_QTC_Simplified_Abstractclass, self).__init__() # todo should be private abstractproperty self.qtc_type = "" """?""" # todo commenting for following could go in the class docstring self.__qsr_params_defaults= { "quantisation_factor": 0.0, "validate": True, "no_collapse": False, "distance_threshold": 1.22 }
[docs] def return_all_possible_state_combinations(self): """Return all possible state combinations for the qtc_type defined for this class instance. :return: All possible state combinations. :rtype: * String representation as a list of possible tuples, or, * Integer representation as a list of lists of possible tuples """ ret_str = [] ret_int = [] try: if self.qtc_type == "": raise AttributeError() elif self.qtc_type == 'b': for i in xrange(1, 4): for j in xrange(1, 4): ret_int.append([i-2, j-2]) ret_str.append(str(i-2) + "," + str(j-2)) elif self.qtc_type is 'c': for i in xrange(1, 4): for j in xrange(1, 4): for k in xrange(1, 4): for l in xrange(1, 4): ret_int.append([i-2, j-2, k-2, l-2]) ret_str.append(str(i-2) + "," + str(j-2) + "," + str(k-2) + "," + str(l-2)) elif self.qtc_type is 'bc': for i in xrange(1, 4): for j in xrange(1, 4): ret_int.append([i-2, j-2, np.NaN, np.NaN]) ret_str.append(str(i-2) + "," + str(j-2)) for i in xrange(1, 4): for j in xrange(1, 4): for k in xrange(1, 4): for l in xrange(1, 4): ret_int.append([i-2, j-2, k-2, l-2]) ret_str.append(str(i-2) + "," + str(j-2) + "," + str(k-2) + "," + str(l-2)) except AttributeError: raise QTCException("Please define a qtc type using self.qtc_type.") return None, None return [s.replace('-1','-').replace('1','+') for s in ret_str], ret_int
def _validate_qtc_sequence(self, qtc): """Remove illegal state transition by inserting necessary intermediate states. :param qtc: Array of QTCS state chain with one QTCS state per row. :type qtc: numpy.array :return: Valid state chain. :rtype: numpy.array """ if len(qtc.shape) == 1: return np.array(qtc) # Only one state in chain. if self.qtc_type == "b": qtc = qtc[:,0:2] legal_qtc = np.array([qtc[0,:]]) for i in xrange(1, qtc.shape[0]): insert = np.array(qtc[i,:].copy()) ################################################################### # self transition = 0, transition form - to + and vice versa = 2 # transitions from - to 0 or + to 0 and vice versa = 1 insert[np.abs(qtc[i-1,:]-insert)>1] = 0 ################################################################### # find invalid transitions according to CND: # 1,2: -000 <> 0-00 | +000 <> 0+00 | -000 <> 0+00 | +000 <> 0-00 # 1,3: -000 <> 00-0 | +000 <> 00+0 | -000 <> 00+0 | +000 <> 00-0 # 1,4: -000 <> 000- | +000 <> 000+ | -000 <> 000+ | +000 <> 000- # 2,3: 0-00 <> 00-0 | 0+00 <> 00+0 | 0-00 <> 00+0 | 0+00 <> 00-0 # 2,4: 0-00 <> 000- | 0+00 <> 000+ | 0-00 <> 000+ | 0+00 <> 000- # 3,4: 00-0 <> 000- | 00+0 <> 000+ | 00-0 <> 000+ | 00+0 <> 000- for j1 in xrange(0, len(qtc[i,:])-1): for j2 in xrange(j1+1, len(insert)): if np.sum(np.abs(qtc[i-1,[j1,j2]])) == 1 \ and np.sum(np.abs(insert[[j1,j2]])) == 1: if np.nanmax(np.abs(qtc[i-1,[j1,j2]] - insert[[j1,j2]])) > 0 \ and np.sum(qtc[i-1,[j1,j2]] - insert[[j1,j2]]) != 1: insert[[j1,j2]] = 0 #print insert if not np.array_equal(insert[np.logical_not(np.isnan(insert))], qtc[i, np.logical_not(np.isnan(insert))]): legal_qtc = np.append(legal_qtc, [insert], axis=0) legal_qtc = np.append(legal_qtc, [qtc[i,:]], axis=0) return legal_qtc def _collapse_similar_states(self, qtc): """Collapse similar adjacent QTCS states. :param qtc: QTCS state sequence. :type qtc: ? :return: Input sequence without similar adjacent states. :rtype: ? """ if len(qtc.shape) == 1: return qtc # Only one state in chain. if self.qtc_type == "b": qtc = qtc[:,0:2].copy() # The nan handling is a bit hacky but fast and easy if qtc.dtype == np.float64: qtc[np.isnan(qtc)]=self.__no_state__ qtc = qtc[np.concatenate(([True],np.any(qtc[1:]!=qtc[:-1],axis=1)))] if qtc.dtype == np.float64: qtc[qtc==self.__no_state__] = np.nan return qtc def _nan_equal(self, a, b): """Uses assert equal to compare if two arrays containing nan values are equal. :param a: First array. :type a: ? :param b: Second array. :type b: ? :return: `True` or `False` :rtype: bool """ try: np.testing.assert_equal(a,b) except AssertionError: return False return True def _create_qtc_representation(self, pos_k, pos_l, quantisation_factor=0): """Create the QTCCS representation for the given data. Uses the double cross to determine to which side of the lines the points are moving. :param pos_k: Array of positions for agent k, exactly 2 entries of x,y positions. :type pos_k: ? :param pos_l: Array of positions for agent l, exactly 2 entries of x,y positions :type pos_l: ? :param quantisation_factor: The minimum distance the points have to diverge from either line to be regarded a non-0-state. :type quantisation_factor: float :return: QTCCS 4-tuple (q1,q2,q4,q5) for the movement of the two agents: [k[0],l[0],k[1],l[1]]. :rtype: numpy.array """ #print "######################################################" pos_k = np.array(pos_k).reshape(-1, 2) pos_l = np.array(pos_l).reshape(-1, 2) # Creating double cross, RL_ext being the connecting line, trans_RL_k # and l being the orthogonal lines going through k and l respectively. RL_ext = np.append( self._translate(pos_k[-2], (pos_k[-2]-pos_l[-2])/2), self._translate(pos_l[-2], (pos_l[-2]-pos_k[-2])/2) ).reshape(-1,2) #print "RL_ext", RL_ext rot_RL = self._orthogonal_line( pos_k[-2], np.append(pos_k[-2], (pos_l[-2]-pos_k[-2])) ).reshape(-1,2) #print "rot_RL", rot_RL trans_RL_k = self._translate( [rot_RL[0], rot_RL[1]], (rot_RL[0]-rot_RL[1])/2 ) #print "transk", trans_RL_k trans_RL_l = self._translate( trans_RL_k[0:2], (pos_l[-2]-pos_k[-2]) ) #print "transl", trans_RL_l # Test constraints for k k = np.append( self._test_constraint( pos_k, trans_RL_k, quantisation_factor=quantisation_factor), self._test_constraint( pos_k, RL_ext, quantisation_factor=quantisation_factor, constraint="side") ) #print "k", k # Test constraints for l l = np.append( self._test_constraint( pos_l, np.array([ # Needs to be turned around to determine correct side [trans_RL_l[1,0],trans_RL_l[1,1]], [trans_RL_l[0,0],trans_RL_l[0,1]] ]), quantisation_factor=quantisation_factor), self._test_constraint( pos_l, np.array([ # Needs to be turned around to determine correct side [RL_ext[1,0],RL_ext[1,1]], [RL_ext[0,0],RL_ext[0,1]] ]), quantisation_factor=quantisation_factor, constraint="side") ) #print "l", l return np.array([k[0],l[0],k[1],l[1]]) def _translate(self, point, trans_vec): """Translate points by trans_vec. :param point: Can be [x,y] or list of lists [[x,y],[x,y]]. :type point: list or list of lists :param trans_vec: The translation vector given as [x, y]. :type trans_vec: ? :return: Translated points. :rtype: ? """ point_array = np.array(point) point_array = point_array + np.array(trans_vec) return point_array # todo `line` and `point` instead of LINE and POINT? def _orthogonal_line(self, point, line): """Return the line orthogonal to the line LINE and going through the point given by POINT. Directed angle from LINE to PERP is pi/2. :param point: The point the line should pass thorugh represented by [xp yp]. :type point: ? :param line: The original to which the new one will be orthogonal given as [x0 y0 dx dy] :type line: ? :return: Orthogonal line to `line` going through `point`. :rtype: ? """ res = np.array(point) line = np.array(line) #print "Orth", res, line res = np.append(res, -1*line[3]) res = np.append(res, line[2]) res[2] = res[0]+res[2] res[3] = res[1]+res[3] return res def _test_constraint(self, pos, line, quantisation_factor=0, constraint=""): """Test for distance and side constraint using the double cross. To determine if a point moved, it uses a line (from the cross) and checks the side the point moved to (depending on the orientation of the line) and how far away it moved. The latter is used for the `quantisation_factor` and to create 0-states from noisy data. Example: * QTCBS: uses the orthogonal line going through the point to compute the distance constraint. * QTCCS: uses the connecting line to determine the side constraint. :param pos: Position of the agent, point in space. :type pos: ? :param line: Line to use as reference for the movement. :type line: ? :param quantisation_factor: Minimum distance a point has to move to be considered a non-0-state. Same unit of measurement as the described points. :type quantisation_factor: float :param constraint: Set to "side" if checking for the side constraint. The result for the side has to be inverted. :type constraint: str :return: QTCS symbol for this movement. :rtype: ? """ x0 = pos[-1,0] y0 = pos[-1,1] x1 = line[0,0] y1 = line[0,1] x2 = line[1,0] y2 = line[1,1] test = (x0 - x1) * (y2 - y1) - (x2 - x1) * (y0 - y1) d = np.abs( np.linalg.det( np.append( [line[1,0:2]-line[0,0:2]], [pos[-1,0:2]-line[0,0:2]] ).reshape(-1,2) ) )/np.linalg.norm(line[1,0:2]-line[0,0:2]) res = 0 if test > 0 and np.abs(d) > quantisation_factor: res = -1 elif test < 0 and np.abs(d) > quantisation_factor: res = 1 # Side constraints need to be inverted to give the correct qtc state return res*-1 if constraint == "side" else res def _custom_checks_world_trace(self, input_data, qsr_params): """Custom check of input data. :param input_data: Input data. :type input_data: :class:`World_Trace <qsrlib_io.world_trace.World_Trace>` :param qsr_params: QSR specific parameters passed in `dynamic_args`. :type qsr_params: dict :return: False for no problems. :rtype: bool :raises: * ValueError: "Data for at least two separate timesteps has to be provided." * KeyError: "Only one object defined for timestep %f. Two objects have to be present at any given step." * ValueError: "Coordinates x: %f, y: %f are not defined correctly for timestep %f." """ timestamps = input_data.get_sorted_timestamps() if len(timestamps) < 2: raise ValueError("Data for at least two separate timesteps has to be provided.") if self._unique_id != "qtcbs" or qsr_params["validate"] or not qsr_params["no_collapse"]: objects_names = sorted(input_data.trace[timestamps[0]].objects.keys()) for t in timestamps: for o in objects_names: try: input_data.trace[t].objects[o] except KeyError: raise KeyError("Only one object defined for timestep %f. Two objects have to be present at any given step." % t) if np.isnan(input_data.trace[t].objects[o].x) or np.isnan(input_data.trace[t].objects[o].y): raise ValueError("Coordinates x: %f, y: %f are not defined correctly for timestep %f." % (input_data.trace[t].objects[o].x, input_data.trace[t].objects[o].y, t)) return False def _process_qsr_parameters_from_request_parameters(self, req_params, **kwargs): """Get the QSR specific parameters from the request parameters. :param req_params: Request parameters. :type req_params: dict :param kwargs: kwargs arguments. :return: QSR specific parameters. :rtype: dict """ qsr_params = self.__qsr_params_defaults.copy() try: # global namespace if req_params["dynamic_args"]["for_all_qsrs"]: for k, v in req_params["dynamic_args"]["for_all_qsrs"].items(): qsr_params[k] = v except KeyError: pass try: # General case if req_params["dynamic_args"][self.__global_unique_id]: for k, v in req_params["dynamic_args"][self.__global_unique_id].items(): qsr_params[k] = v except KeyError: pass try: # Parameters for a specific variant if req_params["dynamic_args"][self._unique_id]: for k, v in req_params["dynamic_args"][self._unique_id].items(): qsr_params[k] = v except KeyError: pass if not isinstance(qsr_params["no_collapse"], bool) or not isinstance(qsr_params["validate"], bool): raise TypeError("'no_collapse' and 'validate' have to be boolean values.") for param in qsr_params: if param not in self.__qsr_params_defaults and param not in self._common_dynamic_args: raise KeyError("%s is an unknown parameter" % str(param)) return qsr_params
[docs] def make_world_qsr_trace(self, world_trace, timestamps, qsr_params, req_params, **kwargs): """Compute the world QSR trace from the arguments. :param world_trace: Input data. :type world_trace: :class:`World_Trace <qsrlib_io.world_trace.World_Trace>` :param timestamps: List of sorted timestamps of `world_trace`. :type timestamps: list :param qsr_params: QSR specific parameters passed in `dynamic_args`. :type qsr_params: dict :param req_params: Request parameters. :type req_params: dict :param kwargs: kwargs arguments. :return: Computed world QSR trace. :rtype: :class:`World_QSR_Trace <qsrlib_io.world_qsr_trace.World_QSR_Trace>` """ ret = World_QSR_Trace(qsr_type=self._unique_id) qtc_sequence = {} for t, tp in zip(timestamps[1:], timestamps): world_state_now = world_trace.trace[t] world_state_previous = world_trace.trace[tp] qsrs_for = self._process_qsrs_for([world_state_previous.objects.keys(), world_state_now.objects.keys()], req_params["dynamic_args"]) for o1_name, o2_name in qsrs_for: between = str(o1_name) + "," + str(o2_name) qtc = np.array([], dtype=int) k = [world_state_previous.objects[o1_name].x, world_state_previous.objects[o1_name].y, world_state_now.objects[o1_name].x, world_state_now.objects[o1_name].y] l = [world_state_previous.objects[o2_name].x, world_state_previous.objects[o2_name].y, world_state_now.objects[o2_name].x, world_state_now.objects[o2_name].y] qtc = self._create_qtc_representation( k, l, qsr_params["quantisation_factor"] ) try: qtc_sequence[between] = np.append( qtc_sequence[between], qtc ).reshape(-1,4) except KeyError: qtc_sequence[between] = qtc for between, qtc in qtc_sequence.items(): if not qsr_params["no_collapse"]: qtc = self._collapse_similar_states(qtc) if qsr_params["validate"]: qtc = self._validate_qtc_sequence(qtc) qtc = qtc if len(qtc.shape) > 1 else [qtc] for idx, q in enumerate(qtc): qsr = QSR( timestamp=idx+1, between=between, qsr=self.qtc_to_output_format(q) ) ret.add_qsr(qsr, idx+1) return ret
def _postprocess_world_qsr_trace(self, world_qsr_trace, world_trace, world_trace_timestamps, qsr_params, req_params, **kwargs): if qsr_params["no_collapse"] and not qsr_params["validate"]: return World_QSR_Trace( qsr_type=world_qsr_trace.qsr_type, trace={t: world_qsr_trace.trace[tqtc] for t, tqtc in zip( world_trace.get_sorted_timestamps()[1:], world_qsr_trace.get_sorted_timestamps() ) } ) else: return world_qsr_trace
[docs] def create_qtc_string(self, qtc): return ','.join(map(str, qtc.astype(int))).replace('-1','-').replace('1','+')
[docs] def qtc_to_output_format(self, qtc): """Overwrite this for the different QTC variants to select only the parts from the QTCC tuple that you would like to return. Example for QTCB: return qtc[0:2] :param qtc: The full QTCC tuple [q1,q2,q4,q5] :return: The part of the tuple you would to have as a result using create_qtc_string """ return ""