Source code for qsrlib_qsrs.qsr_qtc_bc_simplified

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division
from qsrlib_qsrs.qsr_qtc_simplified_abstractclass import QSR_QTC_Simplified_Abstractclass
import numpy as np
from qsrlib_io.world_qsr_trace import *

[docs]class QSR_QTC_BC_Simplified(QSR_QTC_Simplified_Abstractclass): """QTCBC simplified relations. Values of the abstract properties * **_unique_id** = "qtcbcs" * **_all_possible_relations** = ? * **_dtype** = "points" Some explanation about the QSR or better link to a separate webpage explaining it. Maybe a reference if it exists. """ def __init__(self): """Constructor.""" super(QSR_QTC_BC_Simplified, self).__init__() self._unique_id = "qtcbcs" """str: Unique identifier name of the QSR.""" self.qtc_type = "bc" """str: QTC specific type.""" self._all_possible_relations = tuple(self.return_all_possible_state_combinations()[0]) """tuple: All possible relations of the QSR."""
[docs] def make_world_qsr_trace(self, world_trace, timestamps, qsr_params, req_params, **kwargs): """Compute the world QSR trace from the arguments. :param world_trace: Input data. :type world_trace: :class:`World_Trace <qsrlib_io.world_trace.World_Trace>` :param timestamps: List of sorted timestamps of `world_trace`. :type timestamps: list :param qsr_params: QSR specific parameters passed in `dynamic_args`. :type qsr_params: dict :param req_params: Dynamic arguments passed with the request. :type dynamic_args: dict :param kwargs: kwargs arguments. :return: Computed world QSR trace. :rtype: :class:`World_QSR_Trace <qsrlib_io.world_qsr_trace.World_QSR_Trace>` """ ret = World_QSR_Trace(qsr_type=self._unique_id) qtc_sequence = {} for t, tp in zip(timestamps[1:], timestamps): world_state_now = world_trace.trace[t] world_state_previous = world_trace.trace[tp] if set(world_state_now.objects.keys()) != set(world_state_previous.objects.keys()): ret.put_empty_world_qsr_state(t) continue # Objects have to be present in both timestamps qsrs_for = self._process_qsrs_for(world_state_now.objects.keys(), req_params["dynamic_args"]) for o1_name, o2_name in qsrs_for: between = str(o1_name) + "," + str(o2_name) qtc = np.array([], dtype=int) k = [world_state_previous.objects[o1_name].x, world_state_previous.objects[o1_name].y, world_state_now.objects[o1_name].x, world_state_now.objects[o1_name].y] l = [world_state_previous.objects[o2_name].x, world_state_previous.objects[o2_name].y, world_state_now.objects[o2_name].x, world_state_now.objects[o2_name].y] qtc = self._create_qtc_representation( k, l, qsr_params["quantisation_factor"] ) distance = self._get_euclidean_distance( (world_state_now.objects[o1_name].x, world_state_now.objects[o1_name].y), (world_state_now.objects[o2_name].x, world_state_now.objects[o2_name].y) ) try: qtc_sequence[between]["qtc"] = np.append( qtc_sequence[between]["qtc"], qtc ).reshape(-1,4) qtc_sequence[between]["distances"] = np.append( qtc_sequence[between]["distances"], distance ) except KeyError: qtc_sequence[between] = { "qtc": qtc, "distances": np.array([distance]) } for between, qtcbc in qtc_sequence.items(): qtcbc["qtc"] = self._create_bc_chain(qtcbc["qtc"], qtcbc["distances"], qsr_params["distance_threshold"]) if not qsr_params["no_collapse"]: qtcbc["qtc"] = self._collapse_similar_states(qtcbc["qtc"]) if qsr_params["validate"]: qtcbc["qtc"] = self._validate_qtc_sequence(qtcbc["qtc"]) for idx, q in enumerate(qtcbc["qtc"]): qsr = QSR( timestamp=idx+1, between=between, qsr=self.qtc_to_output_format(q) ) ret.add_qsr(qsr, idx+1) return ret
def _create_bc_chain(self, qtc, distances, distance_threshold): """ :param qtc: :type qtc: :param distances: :type distances: :param distance_threshold: :type distance_threshold: :return: :rtype: """ ret = np.array([]) if len(qtc.shape) == 1: qtc = [qtc] for dist, state in zip(distances, qtc): if dist > distance_threshold: ret = np.append(ret, np.append(state[0:2],[np.nan,np.nan]), axis=0) else: ret = np.append(ret, state, axis=0) return ret.reshape(-1,4)
[docs] def qtc_to_output_format(self, qtc): """Overwrite this for the different QTC variants to select only the parts from the QTCCS tuple that you would like to return. Example for QTCBS: return `qtc[0:2]`. :param qtc: Full QTCC tuple [q1,q2,q4,q5]. :type qtc: list or tuple :return: {"qtcbcs": "q1,q2,q4,q5"} :rtype: dict """ s = self.create_qtc_string(qtc) if not np.isnan(qtc[2]) else self.create_qtc_string(qtc[0:2]) return self._format_qsr(s)
def _get_euclidean_distance(self, p, q): """Calculate the Euclidean distance between points `p` and `q`. :param p: x,y coordinates. :type p: tuple :param q: x,y coordinates. :type q: tuple :return: Euclidean distance between `p` and `q`. :rtype: float """ return np.sqrt(np.power((float(p[0])-float(q[0])),2)+np.power((float(p[1])-float(q[1])),2))