Source code for qsrlib_qsrs.qsr_moving_or_stationary

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function, division
import numpy as np
from qsrlib_qsrs.qsr_monadic_abstractclass import QSR_Monadic_2t_Abstractclass

[docs]class QSR_Moving_or_Stationary(QSR_Monadic_2t_Abstractclass): """Computes moving or stationary relations. Values of the abstract properties * **_unique_id** = "mos" * **_all_possible_relations** = ("m", "s") * **_dtype** = "points" QSR specific `dynamic_args` * **'quantisation_factor'** (*float*) = 0.0: Threshold that determines minimal Euclidean distance to be considered as moving. Some explanation about the QSR or better link to a separate webpage explaining it. Maybe a reference if it exists. """ _unique_id = "mos" """str: Unique identifier name of the QSR.""" _all_possible_relations = ("m", "s") """tuple: All possible relations of the QSR.""" _dtype = "points" """str: On what kind of data the QSR works with.""" def __init__(self): """Constructor.""" super(QSR_Moving_or_Stationary, self).__init__() self.__qsr_params_defaults = {"quantisation_factor": 0.0} """?""" def _process_qsr_parameters_from_request_parameters(self, req_params, **kwargs): """Extract QSR specific parameters from the QSRlib request call parameters. :param req_params: QSRlib request call parameters. :type req_params: dict :param kwargs: kwargs arguments. :return: QSR specific parameter settings. :rtype: dict """ qsr_params = self.__qsr_params_defaults.copy() try: qsr_params["quantisation_factor"] = float(req_params["dynamic_args"][self._unique_id]["quantisation_factor"]) except (KeyError, TypeError): try: qsr_params["quantisation_factor"] = float(req_params["dynamic_args"]["for_all_qsrs"]["quantisation_factor"]) except (TypeError, KeyError): pass return qsr_params def _compute_qsr(self, data1, data2, qsr_params, **kwargs): """Return QSR value. :param data1: Object data at first timestamp. :type data1: :class:`Object_State <qsrlib_io.world_trace.Object_State>` :param data2: Object data at second timestamp. :type data2: :class:`Object_State <qsrlib_io.world_trace.Object_State>` :param qsr_params: QSR specific parameters passed in `dynamic_args`. :type qsr_params: dict :param kwargs: kwargs arguments :return: Computed QSR value. :rtype: str """ # print(data1.x, data1.y, data2.x, data2.y, np.sqrt((data1.x-data2.x)**2 + (data1.y-data2.y**2))) # print(np.sqrt((data1.x-data2.x)**2 + (data1.y-data2.y**2))) return "m" if np.sqrt((data1.x-data2.x)**2 + (data1.y-data2.y)**2) > qsr_params["quantisation_factor"] else "s"