Source code for qsrlib_qsrs.qsr_monadic_abstractclass

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function, division
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from qsrlib_qsrs.qsr_abstractclass import QSR_Abstractclass
from qsrlib_io.world_qsr_trace import *

[docs]class QSR_Monadic_Abstractclass(QSR_Abstractclass): """Abstract class of monadic QSRs, i.e. QSRs that are computed over a single object.""" __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self): """Constructor.""" super(QSR_Monadic_Abstractclass, self).__init__() def _init_qsrs_for_default(self, objects_names_of_world_state): """Default list of entities for which QSRs are to be computed for. :param objects_names_of_world_state: Objects names at a world state. :type objects_names_of_world_state: list :return: The object names in the world state, i.e. return the argument as passed. :rtype: list of str """ return objects_names_of_world_state def _validate_qsrs_for(self, qsrs_for): """Validate `qsrs_for` which must be a list of strings. :param qsrs_for: The original `qsrs_for` that needs validation. :type qsrs_for: list :return: A list of string objects names to make QSRs, which might be the same as the argument `qsrs_for` or a subset of it with elements that passed the validation test, i.e. the elements of the list must be strings. :rtype: list """ return [p for p in qsrs_for if isinstance(p, str)] def _return_points(self, data1, data2): """Return the arguments as they are in their point form. :param data1: Object data at first timestamp. :type data1: :class:`Object_State <qsrlib_io.world_trace.Object_State>` :param data2: Object data at second timestamp. :type data2: :class:`Object_State <qsrlib_io.world_trace.Object_State>` :return: `data1`, `data2` :rtype: two :class:`Object_State <qsrlib_io.world_trace.Object_State>` objects """ return data1, data2 def _return_bounding_boxes_2d(self, data1, data2): """Return the 2D bounding boxes of the arguments. :param data1: Object data at first timestamp. :type data1: qsrlib_io.world_trace.Object_State :param data2: Object data at second timestamp. :type data2: qsrlib_io.world_trace.Object_State :return: `bbox1`, `bbox2` :rtype: two lists of floats """ raise data1.return_bounding_box_2d(), data2.return_bounding_box_2d()
[docs]class QSR_Monadic_2t_Abstractclass(QSR_Monadic_Abstractclass): """Special case abstract class of monadic QSRs. Works with monadic QSRs that require data over two timestamps.""" __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self): """Constructor.""" super(QSR_Monadic_2t_Abstractclass, self).__init__() @abstractmethod def _compute_qsr(self, data1, data2, qsr_params, **kwargs): """Compute QSR value. :param data1: Object data at first timestamp. :type data1: :class:`Object_State <qsrlib_io.world_trace.Object_State>` :param data2: Object data at second timestamp. :type data2: :class:`Object_State <qsrlib_io.world_trace.Object_State>` :param qsr_params: QSR specific parameters passed in `dynamic_args`. :type qsr_params: dict :param kwargs: kwargs arguments. :return: Computed QSR value. :rtype: str """ return
[docs] def make_world_qsr_trace(self, world_trace, timestamps, qsr_params, req_params, **kwargs): """Compute the world QSR trace from the arguments. :param world_trace: Input data. :type world_trace: :class:`World_Trace <qsrlib_io.world_trace.World_Trace>` :param timestamps: List of sorted timestamps of `world_trace`. :type timestamps: list :param qsr_params: QSR specific parameters passed in `dynamic_args`. :type qsr_params: dict :param req_params: Request parameters. :type req_params: dict :param kwargs: kwargs arguments. :return: Computed world QSR trace. :rtype: :class:`World_QSR_Trace <qsrlib_io.world_qsr_trace.World_QSR_Trace>` """ ret = World_QSR_Trace(qsr_type=self._unique_id) for t, tp in zip(timestamps[1:], timestamps): world_state_now = world_trace.trace[t] world_state_previous = world_trace.trace[tp] qsrs_for = self._process_qsrs_for([world_state_previous.objects.keys(), world_state_now.objects.keys()], req_params["dynamic_args"]) for object_name in qsrs_for: try: data1, data2 = self._dtype_map[self._dtype](world_state_now.objects[object_name], world_state_previous.objects[object_name]) except KeyError: raise KeyError("%s is not a valid value, should be one of %s" % (self._dtype, self._dtype_map.keys())) ret.add_qsr(QSR(timestamp=t, between=object_name, qsr=self._format_qsr(self._compute_qsr(data1, data2, qsr_params, **kwargs))), t) return ret