Source code for qsrlib_qsrs.qsr_arg_prob_relations_distance

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function, division
import numpy as np
from qsr_arg_relations_distance import QSR_Arg_Relations_Distance
from random import uniform

[docs]class QSR_Arg_Prob_Relations_Distance(QSR_Arg_Relations_Distance): """Probabilistic ard-distances. Values of the abstract properties * **_unique_id** = "argprobd" * **_all_possible_relations** = depends on what user has passed * **_dtype** = "points" QSR Parameters (for `dynamic_args`) * **'qsr_relations_and_values'**: A dictionary with keys being the relations labels and values .. seealso:: For further details, refer to its :doc:`description. <../handwritten/qsrs/argprobd>` """ def __init__(self): """Constructor.""" super(QSR_Arg_Prob_Relations_Distance, self).__init__() self._unique_id = "argprobd" """str: Unique identifier of a QSR.""" self.allowed_value_types = (tuple, list) """tuple of datatypes: ?""" self.value_sort_key = lambda x: x[1][0] # Sort by first element in value tuple, i.e. mean """?""" def __normpdf(self, x, mu, sigma): """ :param x: :type x: :param mu: :type mu: :param sigma: :type sigma: :return: :rtype: """ u = (x-mu)/np.abs(sigma) y = (1/(np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*np.abs(sigma)))*np.exp(-u*u/2) return np.around(y, decimals=3) def _compute_qsr(self, data1, data2, qsr_params, **kwargs): """ :param data1: :type data1: :param data2: :type data2: :param qsr_params: :type qsr_params: :param kwargs: kwargs arguments. :return: :rtype: """ d = np.sqrt(np.square(data1.x - data2.x) + np.square(data1.y - data2.y)) r = (None, 0.0) for values, relation in zip(self.all_possible_values, self._all_possible_relations): prob = uniform(0.0, self.__normpdf(d, mu=values[0], sigma=values[1])) r = (relation, prob) if prob > r[1] else r return r[0] if r[0] else self._all_possible_relations[-1]